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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Avocado fruit for health content

Avocado Fruit nutrient content and health benefits of Avocado Fruit – the fruit of the Avocado or in the English United Kingdom called the Avocado is a fruit that has a lot of benefits to human health and also skincare/cosmetics. The fruit is known by the scientific name Persea Americana comes from Mexico and Central America but has been widely cultivated in South America and Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia.
What is the nutritional fruit of avocado?

1. Protein
Protein is one of the nutritional fruit of avocado. Avocado provides all the 18 essential amino acids necessary for the body to form a complete protein. Unlike the protein in meat is hard to digest for most people, the protein avocado very easily absorbed by the body because he also contains fiber. If you are reducing the sources of animal protein or vegetarian, avocado can be an option to meet the nutrition and animal protein as a substitute.

2. Fats are beneficial
Avocados provide the kind of healthy fat that your body needs. HDL cholesterol can help protect against damage caused by free radicals. Even this type of cholesterol can also help regulate the levels of triglycerides and prevent diabetes.

3. the Carotenoids
Avocado is the best source of the carotenoid and phytonutrient. Avocado, also known as fruit that offers various types of carotenoids not only like beta-carotene, Alpha-carotene, and lutein but also the lesser known varieties of this type of phytonutrient as zeaxanthin, neoxanthin, chrysanthemaxanthin, neochrome, beta-cryptoxanthin, and violaxanthin. Consuming foods rich in carotenoids, the body you will receive lots of intake of vitamin A is good for eye health. Carotenoids also boost the function of the immune system and improve the health of the reproductive system function. Carotenoids are soluble in fat, so as to optimize the absorption of nutrients.

4. Lutein
One of the most important nutrients content of avocados is lutein, a carotenoid compounds, namely, natural antioxidant and phytonutrient. A single avocado contains 81 mcg lutein eye health can help. Taking lutein can reduce the risk of macular degeneration of the eye due to age.

5. Vitamins and minerals
Avocados contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals are different, though in small numbers, providing about 10% of the daily vitamin and mineral needs in each portion is big. Some of the vitamins and minerals that most contained in fruit avocados are vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, potassium, iron, vitamin E, and vitamin B6.

6. Anti-inflammatory
Effect of the combination of nutrients contained in avocado offers great benefits as anti-inflammatories. The unique combination of avocado fruit such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, selenium, zinc, phytosterols, and omega-3 fatty acids help prevent inflammation. This shows that avocados can help prevent or reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and rheumatic diseases.

7. Sodium and Kolestrol
Sodium (Sodium) and cholesterol contained in avocados can be ignored because one portion of avocado contains only 1 gram of protein. In addition, the avocado contains 3 grams of carbohydrate in every portion is big and 1 gram of fiber is foods (dietary fiber). Therefore, the avocado to be a good option for people who are the low-carb diet.

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