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Saturday, September 1, 2018

Behind Benefits Toge, Identify hazards and how to consume

Toge is one type of vegetable that consumed Indonesia society. The many benefits of toge can you consume, but there are some things to consider to prevent risks that can interfere with health.

Toge is also one of the food nutritious vegetables that are easy to digest. A nutritionist said that the process of seed growth be toge (sprouting) is the process of breaking down form seeds.

Diverse Benefits Toge For Health
One of the benefits of the most common is toge relieve digestive system work in the body and helps the absorption of iron, vitamin C, and zinc contained in toge. That's why toge could be the right choice for experiencing indigestion, or who have a hypersensitivity reaction against the grain.

In addition to good for digestion, the benefits of toge also play an important role in controlling blood sugar levels. It was based on research that mentions that toge has the ability to regulate the activity of the enzyme amylase, namely enzymes that the body uses to break down and Digest sugar.

The benefits of the other i.e. toge may reduce risk factors for heart disease, such as high levels of cholesterol. By consuming toge then can lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). However, until recently still required further research.

Things to watch out for When Consuming Toge
Although he is known to have many benefits, there are a few things to know before taking toge. Generally, toge sold in the market has the possibility to contain Salmonella bacteria. The bacteria can cause infection, causing symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, vomiting, and fever. In addition, there is also the risk of toge are exposed toe. Coli bacteria that can also cause infections.

The possibility of it due to the selection of seeds that are less hygienic, sanitation is not good, nor was contaminated while the process of sprouting or germinate. In addition, warm and humid conditions during the process of the change nut are toge can also support the breeding of bacteria.

For consuming toge safely, do the following things:

  • Kiss stinky toge that you will buy. If toge still fresh, it should not smell.
  • Clean washing fruits and vegetables as well as toge other, to eliminate harmful bacteria.
  • After being washed clean, immediately enter toge to refrigerators or refrigerators.
  • Avoid consumption of raw tone. Cook toge until completely cooked, which is marked with the boiling water.
  • Important note, toge raw at all should not be consumed by children, pregnant women, seniors, and people who have low body resistance.
  • That needs to be stressed in taking back toge i.e. avoid consuming raw toge. 
It is recommended to cook toge until completely cooked, to avoid a variety of harmful bacteria. It can make the benefits of the optimum moment permanent toge consumed, without causing health risks.


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