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Friday, September 21, 2018

How to shrink pore pore facial skin quickly, naturally part 2

Now discuss the makeup part 2. Makeup is indeed useful to beautify a face, but it can be a factor in the causes of skin pores look larger or enlarged. Why because the makeup can cover the oil glands so dead skin cells become caught up in the follicle. Exposure to ultraviolet rays can also cause the pores to someone so looks great. Can also be caused by a collagen levels decline, this usually occurs in the elderly.

The result of the pores are clogged, open, enlarged and this is what usually causes the onset of pimples and blackheads. Have large pores, especially if you travel frequently people will certainly lead to dust, dirt, and bacteria stick to the skin so pores become greater the longer.

The Avocado
Benefits of Avocado fruit to protect the skin from wrinkles and signs of premature aging because avocado fruits contain plenty of anti-oxidant carotenoids, vitamin E, and vitamin c. vitamin E in order to help prevent the premature aging result from exposure to x-rays the sun while vitamin C are substances needed for making elastin and collagen that keeps skin supple. With avocado fruit, will also take advantage of overcoming the causes of enlarged pores so that facial pores will shrink and close by itself.

Bananas contain lots of vitamin C, which is effective for whitening face naturally.

Strawberries contain Ellagic which is capable to remove dirt and remove the dead skin on the face so the pores could shrink.

Tomatoes contain anti-oxidant compounds namely lycopene which proved able to ward off free radicals so skin cells do not accumulate that could cause facial pores are shrinking. Tomatoes can also be harnessed into a natural sunscreen to minimize damage caused by exposure to UV rays.

The potato
Potatoes contain minerals which can be a natural antibiotic that slows the aging of the face and helps regenerate the skin and remove dead skin on the face so the pores will shrink. Natural anti-oxidants also serves to disguise or remove stains or spots on the face perfectly.

Cucumbers are rich in minerals and vitamins that are essential for maintaining the freshness of the face. Cucumbers can also be used as a way to shrink facial pores. How to shrink facial pores naturally by using cucumbers are:

Fruit bengkoang many once used as a beauty product to be bleach. But other than using as a whitening face, bengkoang can also be used as a way to shrink facial pores. Because fruit bengkoang contain a lot of vitamins B and C which keep the dead skin cells do not accumulate on the face which will result in enlarged facial pores.

White Radish
In addition to being used as an ingredient the kitchen, turned out to be a white radish can be used as a way to shrink facial pores naturally. White radish on content such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, zinc, and phosphorus is necessary to maintain the health of your skin. White turnip containing a lot of water in it will also make your skin becomes more moisturized and healthy.

Egg whites
The egg white is believed to have nutritious to soften your face and can be used as a way to shrink the pores of the face because it contains a lot of protein and micronutrients.

In the face of us lies the collagen that keeps skin supple, not still looks wrinkled, and so that the pores of the face are not enlarged. Milk has vitamin D can increase the production of collagen and vitamin B6 which play a role in caring for and keeping the skin to stay healthy and moist.

The Yogurt
Yogurt is a milk product processed. Yogurt contains lots of calcium and zinc. Calcium works to prevent dry skin and dehydration, while zinc useful u

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