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Saturday, September 1, 2018

The best life insurance and trusted

What you need to see when searching for the best life insurance? We suggest 3 important feature that you see when choosing the best life insurance.

A few years ago, when we want to take life insurance, many bids came in. However, at that time, because the benchmark, we have confused themselves with many varieties of features and options that are offered.

No less than Manulife Insurance, Prudential, AIA Financial and Allianz offered by the sales agent to me. Not to mention the quote also comes from Islamic life insurance Prudential and another Shariah-compliant insurance provider.

As it turns out, choosing insurance not easy.

Learning from that experience, I did some research to find traits that determine whether a good life insurance.

The result is we found 3 important feature that must be seen when choosing life insurance.

3 things the best life insurance
What should you consider when looking for the best life insurance? Where the best life insurance Prudential, Manulife or Allianz or another.

How Allianz Insurance comparison vs. Prudential, for example, or Manulife vs Prudential. It can be answered once you know what things to look when choosing insurance.

With know what to see, you can evaluate the insurance proposals offer better when faced with an offer from its sales of insurance.

We've all experienced how aggressively when insurance salespeople offer their products. Without sufficient understanding of the question of the best life insurance, you will be hard to make the right decision for your needs.

1 Huge sum assured

What is the purpose you take insurance? Let's get to the basics.

Why are we taking a life insurance? What are its benefits?

Providing financial protection to the family if the head of the family experienced a death or permanent disability that caused the accident could not work and generate income.

That is to say, the protection provided should be sufficient. Should be enough.

If the cost of family life is currently Rp 10 million a month, you might not buy life insurance protection with a value of 100 million. It's far from enough.

Therefore, the first trait that matters is life insurance should provide an adequate sum assured. The amount of money is enough to raise a family in.

The question that often obscure the many potential borrower's insurance protection needs is to mix the soul and desire a refund of premiums.

In fact, these two things cannot be run simultaneously, because one of them will beat the other.

I mean, if you're looking UP high then the premium will be charred, conversely, if the premium is being restored UP will then want to small. So, you have to pick UP or return, want a premium, could not both.

My advice, go back again because its purpose is protection, value up should be the main focus.

2 Cheap Life Insurance Premiums
Many have reasonable insurance because the premiums are expensive. In our opinion, it happens do not have to like it.

You can get affordable life insurance premiums, so long as can choose the right product. Error selecting products cause premiums to be expensive.

What insurance premiums cheaper products?

Life insurance Term Life or also called as traditional life insurance. This kind of life insurance does not have elements of investment. This is the traditional life insurance premiums charred.

Term Life insurance is a type of least expensive premiums. Currently, insurance term life received monthly premiums start from IDR 500 thousand.

I said cheap, that means compared to the value of the given sum assured.

Why can the premiums be as cheap as it is?

Simple, because there is no premium money used for investment. All the money was used to pay the cost of insurance.

To be honest, these cheap premiums often contrary to the interests of the agent. The Commission agent is paid from the amount of the premiums, the greater the greater his Commission.

Therefore, it is important for potential clients seeking insurance 2nd opinion outside agent before deciding to purchase insurance.

3 Family health insurance
The innovation of insurance companies is making products in one package. The goal gave more affordable premiums with more comprehensive benefits.

One of them is life insurance combined with family health insurance.

In this product, you can get a replacement at once the soul of the protection money if a family member is admitted.

Not many insurance companies offering life insurance and family health in one package. But, I've read there is a company that offers packages.

Try to ask the agent if they have a family insurance package for life and health. It will be cheaper for you and your family.

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