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Friday, September 14, 2018

Diabetic diet consistency and variety

It may sound like a difficult thing to do-consistent and has a variety in your diet at the same time.  But perhaps, and this is the best way to get your diabetes with your diet.  Consistency comes packed in a certain time and the same portion of different food groups.  And a variety of reference to many different foods in the food groups tries as much as you can.

It can be easy to find some foods that work well with your blood sugar and are easy to prepare and just stick with them.  You will be more likely to get bored with it and can not get you all the nutrients you need from a fixed amount of food.

Whether you are on a diet or counting carbohydrates diet, you have enough room for flexibility.  You can combine different foods together for something new or the food you had never tried before.  You can meet with your nutrition get additional ideas, recipes and other food you can eat more variety to your diet.

There will be a time you try new foods and your blood sugar is higher as a result. Think back to everything you do differently those day-less activities or take your insulin more slowly than usual.  If the new food is the only changes you talk with your dietitian may have experienced.  You can prepare different meals or eat it with something else, or you can avoid foods that if it doesn't work for your diabetic diet.

Just because you have diabetes doesn't mean that you can ' adventure and try something new, just to do it on regular meal times and in the recommended portion sizes.

The TLC Diet for diabetics
It is a diet that is recommended for people with high cholesterol, heart disease or other cardiovascular and people who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

The diet consists of a set of guidelines which provide a range of percentages of what the patient should eat from each food group.  The goal is to have flexibility in the choices while ensuring that the choice was made to help with the conditions being treated.  At first, it's a good idea to give your partner with nutrition to ensure that you make accurate calculations and the best decision you make food choices.

TLC Diet done guide provides the following:
  • Total fat eaten a day would equate to less than 25-35% of the calories ingested
  • Of fat intake 25-35% it should be broken down into the following categories: saturation of less than 7%; Mono is less than 20%;  10% of polyunsaturated
  • 50-60% of days worth of calories should come from carbohydrates
  • Eat at least 20-30 grams of high-quality fiber per day
  • Protein consumed must be equal to 15-20% of calories for the day
If the diet is a set of guidelines that are not included the necessary calculations to determine if you meet the requirements of you need to discuss an appointment with a dietitian to understand what you need to do.  After you have shown how to do calculations and has fed the samples you can use them as templates to create many variations of the TLC Diet.  You can also glean a lot of information is by food labels on packages.


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