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Monday, September 3, 2018

The position of the Sleep of Pregnant Women who either need to know early on

The position of the sleep of pregnant women should not be considered a trivial matter. Enlarged fetal position bed can make the mother be awry. Moreover, pregnant women also have difficulty moving change the position to sleep.

Beds position wrong on pregnant women can invite a variety of health problems, such as swelling of the legs, muscle pain, snoring, decreased blood pressure, or thus increasing blood pressure.

Here's some information about the position of the sleep of pregnant women is recommended.
Avoid position on your back
After entering the second trimester gestational age, especially after the fifth month, pregnant women are advised not to sleep in the position on your back. The pressure on major blood vessels, namely the aorta and vena cava inferior, could increase when pregnant women sleep in the position on your back. This pressure can impede the blood circulation to the body of the mother, including to the fetus.

Sideways to the left
Most experts recommend that pregnant women sleep in a position sideways to the left. This aims to improve blood circulation, either cardiac or heading to the womb, the fetus, and the kidneys. In addition, lying sideways to the left makes the stomach are in a comfortable position and do not suppress liver organs located on the right side.
The position of the bed sideways to the left can also reduce swelling of the ankles, feet, legs, and hands. It is because the position helps the kidneys to work more freely in cleaning fluid and residual substances from the body. When kidneys hold fluid and residual substances, pregnant women can experience swelling or edema.

However, some experts expressed no need too dizzying are sideways to the left or to the right, for these positions make expectant mothers feel comfortable.

Use pillow
Pillows can help make expectant mothers sleeping position feels more comfortable. When pregnant women feel shortness of breath or breath feels heavy, put a pillow under the body side to raise the position of the chest. When pregnant women feel pain in the solar plexus, put some pillows to Scotch heads and backs so that the upper body position becomes higher. Expectant mothers can sleep in a half-sitting position to help stomach acid does not increase. Meanwhile, to support the body in a position sideways to the left, you can put a pillow on the side of the stomach and in between his legs or knees. Pregnant women can also use special pillow pregnant women to make the bed became more comfortable.

Do this if it is hard to sleep well
Reasonable when pregnant women difficult to sleep well at night because it can undergo a variety of disorders, as was often awakened at night due to frequent urination, feeling a shortness of breath, heart feels beating due to increased heart rate, pain back and leg cramps, constipation, or pain in the solar plexus. In addition, stress can also make pregnant women difficult to sleep. To help with the quality of sleep at night, some of the following steps may be helpful.

  • Make it a routine to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Avoid doing sports when approaching bedtime.
  • Do relaxation before bed, like drinking warm milk mixed honey.
  • Avoid drinking tea, coffee or fizzy drinks, because in general, they contain caffeine.
  • Follow gymnastics pregnant regularly. In addition to making the body more fit, meeting with fellow pregnant women can be a chance of sharing the story and reduce anxiety.
  • If you experience cramps in the feet until awakened from sleep, try to foot your feet against the wall and push gently until it feels the pull on the muscles of the calves and back of thighs. Hold for a few moments until the cramping has subsided.

In addition to noting the position of the sleep of pregnant women, make sure you get enough calcium to reduce cramps in the feet. In addition, a variety of other important nutrients you can get by eating vegetables, fruit, and milk in a balanced way. To fulfill the needs of nutrition, pregnant women also need taking prenatal vitamins. In addition, the routine saw a pregnancy in the obstetrician to monitor health conditions you and your fetus.


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